Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life is full of surprises!

Back in the 50s and 60s the most often heard prediction of anti-Christ was that he was the Pope.
The Catholic church was Mystery Babylon and Rome was the capitol of the 10-nation revived Roman Empire.

By the 70s and later, the picture had changed slightly. The anti-Christ had become a powerful, charismatic, political, economic leader that would come out of Europe (10-nation revived, etc.) who would make a peace pact with Israel, leading the world into promised peace. This view is still predominant.

Both theories were reasonable in their time and way, keeping in mind that they were the product of sincere men who were trying to figure out what the scripture was saying... attempts that can be moderately accurate or wildly off-target. As for myself, I was sure that Ted Turner was the false prophet and had a long list of reasons to back it up! Oh well. Just another sincere man.

But, there have been some unexpected pieces of the puzzle that have appeared in recent years. While we were waiting for the "man of sin"... Islamic fundamentalism, with over a billion strong Moslems in quiet acquiescence, exploded into a fanatical threat unlike any of the past. Hey! None of the old-line eschatologists mentioned these guys?! This doesn't fit into the old prophetical framework. Or, does it?

I think it may be a perfect fit! (But, remember. I'm just a sincere man.)

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